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by Lana Vawser

February 20, 2020

For over a year the Lord has been speaking to me about the fear of the Lord being restored to the Church and the Church returning to the first love - Jesus.

As we have seen in the entering into 2020 we have entered into a year where everything that can be shaken, is being shaken. We are now seeing tremendous shaking taking place with the coronavirus and things changing rapidly. As I have sought the Lord over the last few months He has been speaking to me about the shaking we are in now exposing and bringing down idols in the Church.

Right now, we are seeing the plans of the enemy at work with the coronavirus but what the enemy meant for harm, the Lord is using for good. (Genesis 50:20) The HAND OF THE LORD is bringing about a shaking in the Church. The hand of the Lord is bringing about a shaking to shake the impurity out of the Church and the place where affection and devotion to other things besides Jesus is being exposed and the heart of the Father is calling the Church into a place of beautiful, glorious, repentance.

There is a SELAH MOMENT upon the Church right now and this is a SERIOUS moment. It is a time to really be seeking the Lord and inviting the Spirit of God to examine hearts and lives in the light of His presence (Psalm 139:23-24).

Friends, things are NOT going to remain the same within the Church once this battle is over. The hand of the Lord is rearranging and He is setting the stage for a mighty move of His Spirit and the fear of the Lord being restored to the Church.


The Lord showed me that in this shaking that is taking place right now in the earth, and in the Church, with conferences being cancelled, churches having to suspend meetings or change the way things are done, the Lord out of HIS LOVE is exposing idols and one of these idols He showed me was ministry. Any areas where MINISTRY has become an idol. The fire of God is upon the Church right now and He is examining hearts and convicting hearts where ministry has become a false god and He is shaking that and exposing it, so the Church can be ALIGNED for the greatest move of the Spirit of God that we have ever seen.

This is the time where the Lord is shaking self promotion, He is shaking off pride, this is where the Lord is bringing such an intense shaking out of His love to position the body of Christ in the place of humility, to take her place in this Isaiah 60 time.

The Lord showed me that in this time there will be a divine reconnecting, realigning, restoring and healing that will take place in families. The Lord is using this time to bring healing and right positioning and alignment within families and the IMPORTANCE of family AS the Church and IN Church. I heard the Lord say “Can you hear the sound of tears in homes?” - as I listened in closely, I heard the tears of forgiveness, healing, restoration and revival in homes. I continued to hear the words “It’s time to get your houses in order”. The Lord also showed me that there will be a time of deep reconnection not only between spouses, but with CHILDREN. The Lord showed me where there has been a disconnect or connection hindered and/or lost, the Lord is going to bring DEEP healing in this time.

ROMANS 12:1-2 This is the moment in this SELAH where the Lord is inviting the people of God back onto the altar. "There I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good, acceptable and perfect." (NASB)

This SELAH MOMENT is to be taken seriously. This is a time to fast and pray and to seek the Lord and be deep in His Word and allow the refiners fire to come and to purge and purify. THIS is the moment to position ourselves in preparation for what is to come. This is the time where the Lord is shaking agendas, He is shaking control, He is shaking off complacency and He is inviting His people deeper into the place of fresh surrender. This is a very important moment of REFINING and ALIGNING.

The Lord showed me that those who have eyes to see and ears to hear are going to be positioned in this time to move with Him empowered by His Spirit in this new era unlike anything they have ever seen before.


The other day as I was sitting with the Lord I suddenly heard a song playing in my head "Walk like an Egyptian" which I hadn't heard since I was a child. I then heard the Lord speaking over the Church "DO NOT WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN". Instantly I knew the Lord was speaking about not walking in ways of the world (Romans 12:2) and this is a shaking that is bringing forth a purification upon the Church to walk in HOLINESS.

I heard the Lord say "This is the mighty purging that is taking place and will continue to remove the WORLD from the Church. This is the time for My plumbline words to go forth and bring My people back to the main thing: ME!!!! I am bringing people to their end in their own means, wisdom and pride, so that in repentance they may turn and move into the time of the greatest realm of knowing Me, knowing My ways and walking in My wisdom. This shaking is bringing the Church out of man made wisdom, pride and being dazzled with themselves or their own wisdom and being positioned to see ME high and lifted up and knowing and understanding My ways."

The Lord in this time is dealing with sin, He's dealing with compromise, He's dealing with complacency and familiarity with Him, out of His love, to position the Church to move into the time of the greatest demonstration of His Majesty, His holiness and His power in the nations that is UNPRECEDENTED.

This moment right now is a moment to get ready, it's a moment to get serious and prepare. It's a time to make sure that we have enough oil in our lamps. (Matthew 25)

This is a time of embracing His fire and to YIELD to Him completely! This is a time of repentance. (Hebrews 12:29) “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and they will bring offerings in righteousness to the LORD.” (Malachi 3:3)

A GREAT AND MIGHTY DAY OF TREMBLING IS UPON US AS THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS RESTORED Last week as I sat with the Lord and I could see and hear all the fear in the atmosphere, the Lord said to me "Lana, listen closely, can you hear the sound of reformation? Can you hear the sound of the trembling awe?"

I said "YES Lord I do "It's time for Isaiah 6! It's time for Isaiah 6!" He spoke again "Reformation is upon the Church. Things will not stay the same, this is where everything changes. This is where I am taking man off of thrones, this is where I am dealing with pride and inviting my people into the place of humility before Me. This is the place where the Church is positioned to see Me like they have never seen Me before. Ready or not, here I come. It has arrived and I am longing for My Bride to make herself ready. I am about to step in. I am about to step in with My Glory revealed in the Church and the earth that has NEVER been seen. But up to this point the idols in the Church have had My people misaligned, so I am calling My people back to Me. Back to the first love. Back to the place of "NOTHING BUT JESUS"

"I am coming! I am coming as the King of Glory! Ready or not here I come! Church, get ready! Nations are going to TREMBLE not in unholy fear, but the awe and wonder of who I am and My power being demonstrated across the earth. The shaking must come to prepare and set the stage. My people, will you be found ready? I love you My Church and I shake, correct and convict because of My love for you. Those that have eyes to see and ears to hear will SEE that this is the moment to get right with Me and allow Me to prepare and purify for the revealing of My nature and power in the earth"

"So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for He is about to come through you. You ask, "Who is this Glory-King?" The Lord armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! So wake up, you living gateways and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! For where He comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in." (Psalm 24:7-9 - The Passion Translation)

Friends, this SELAH moment is an incredible time to pause and prepare for what is to come. To allow the Holy Spirit to do what He needs to do within us. The Spirit of God will continue to position and prepare but right now, the Lord is inviting us as His people to decide “Are we all in with what He is doing no matter how it looks or what it costs? Or are we not?”

A company of burning hearts, burning with devotion for their FIRST LOVE are arising in the earth. This is where the true ecclesia is being forged and formed.


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