By Jill O'Brien
August 17, 2017

Dear Friends,
Last Saturday I participated in one of the most anointed ministry days to date. From the first notes of the worship team, I knew we were in for a special time of great presence with the Lord at Firestorm Houston Worship and Prayer Burn hosted by Rev.Lora Allison. The following is the Word the Lord gave me to share that afternoon.
I SAW: Big, low hanging, sweet fruit – Ripe and Ready to be picked!
I HEARD: Be rest assured you have had years and years yea decades of sowing and it has now led you to this very hour of massive reaping! Enjoy the Shift! Enjoy the Change! It’s for you my Bridal Remnant. The Key is the word JOY! Enjoy it!
I HEARD: The old hymn, “They shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves…”
I SAW: Spontaneous combustion with healings and miracles. Speak it and it will be so! Divine manifestations occurring. (My sense was the Father was using this to woo people unto Himself. Many salvations would come from the healing evangelism.)
I HEARD: IT IS NOW THE BEST OF TIMES AND WORST OF TIMES. (I received this years ago, but now we have come into time) The Best of Times for God’s prepared Bride and the Worst of Times for the evil doers, the Shebnas (from Isaiah 22), the Hamans (from the book of Esther). Wait and see what I AM about to do!
I HEARD: A Heavenly Plea from the Lord to us:
DO NOT MISS this hour of your personal and corporate visitation because of doubt, unbelief, cynicism, and sarcasm.
Cross the threshold of this new ERA with your head held high!
Have NO FEAR, TRUTH will TRIUMPH every time!
Lastly a word of exhortation from : Galatians 5:1 from The Passion Translation: “Let me be clear, the anointed One has set us free- not partially, but completely and wonderfully free! We must always cherish this Truth and stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past.”
You are personally invited to come hear me speak this Saturday at 6pm at Freedom Outpost Houston located at 2800 Antoine Drive in Houston, Texas. I will be speaking onGod’s Love Wins. Hope to see you if you are local and can come!
Much love, Jill O’Brien
Below is a Word from a prolific prophet that I feel dovetails with the Word the Lord gave me about Our Time to Triumph. Be blessed this day and keep your eyes upward.
by Lana Vawser
I saw the Lord opening HUGE storehouses of heaven and he was releasing substantial financial flow to the people of God positioned and waiting on the provision to “GO” forward in the next step the Lord has placed upon their heart. I saw a great financial provision once this year, and again I saw it in the month of September onwards. There is radical provision being released from heaven releasing the people of God into next ‘destiny steps’.
Seeds of financial provision that had been sowed by the people of God in faith and obedience to the Lord are now sprouting up bringing forth a GREAT HARVEST, but the seed that was sown has come to harvest with great interest.
As I watched these seeds begin to sprout all across the body of Christ, I saw the words ‘FINANCIAL FLOW TO GO’ suddenly shift to ‘GO TO FINANCIAL FLOW’.
I felt the Lord saying that once the people of God are released into the “GO” through financial provisions in their steps of faith, they were moving into a new level of trust and dependence upon the Lord which was increasing their faith and moving them into a new level of FINANCIAL PROVISION. In the “GOING” I saw the burden of financial pressures and chains BREAKING and an EASE coming into the lives of the people of God regarding finances that not only were needs going to be met, but OVER THE TOP, so the people of God would move out and GIVE OUT OF THE OVER FLOW. They would be a source of financial blessing and provision for others as they give out of the OVERFLOW of blessing the Lord has released unto them.
Streams of financial flow are flowing from the heart of God into the lives of His people as they continue to remain positioned and in faith as they STEP OUT in what He is asking them to do. As these streams of financial flows were being released across the body of Christ, I saw another stream being released that was MEETING the financial flow and becoming ONE. The other stream that was flowing from the heart of God was WISDOM. The Lord is not only releasing a great flow of finances in the “GO” but the wisdom to steward it well. Strategies, blueprints, visions from heaven released in the wisdom to be a good steward of the increase He is releasing.
Wisdom and increase are coming together and flowing into the lives of God’s people. Stay positioned in faith. Continue to ask Him for His provision, declare His promises, ask for His wisdom and there will be great increase that will begin to manifest in your life to flow THROUGH YOUR LIFE to bless others as well.