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James W. Goll, Franklin, TN

May 22, 2020

God Encounters Regarding China

In early January, I began having short dreams about laboratories in China. In the dreams, each one would expand and lead to the next installment. I waited, prayed, and pondered the matter. I inquired of the Lord. In January, after the third dream taking place in a laboratory in Wuhan, the voice of the Lord came to me: "Some will say the epidemic came (originated) from a 'wet market' in China. But it did not. It came from a biotech laboratory in Wuhan, China." I honestly did not know what to do with this, except hold it, pray into it and wait.

Personally, I knew I did not yet have authority to speak publicly about what the Holy Spirit was sharing with me. I kept these experiences private and sought His permission, timing and the conditions in which I should share these experiences. Sometimes the Holy Spirit wants me to simply hold it and intercede accordingly. I cannot always go public with everything the Holy Spirit shares with me. Remember, trusted friends have secrets that are kept between them.

In February and continuing into March, the content of the visions became more intense. I saw "urn vessels" in Wuhan. In one vision, I saw 5,000 urns a day filled with the ashes of dear Chinese people who had died. I was not told for how many days in a row or even weeks this might have taken place.

Remember, we see in part and we prophesy in part. If that is literally true, and it was for one week only – that is 35,000! If that was for one month, that would be 150,000 urns filled with the ashes of departed beloved people that God loves! What if that were true and what if it was not limited to one region?

A Season When Revelation Multiplied

More details and insights came from the Lord on multiple subjects. On March 15th, after returning from my last ministry road trip, I was on my own "stay at home orders" by the Holy One. On an evening in March, I was taken on a journey by the Holy Spirit into realms of God's Eternal Dwelling. I entered into a CREATION ROOM in our Father's house. The atmosphere was charged with the electric presence of God the Creator. The room was filled with brilliant ideas, dreams, witty inventions, stunning colors, and divine intelligence. A Word captured my attention and permeated my being, "We are entering into a fresh CREATION season in the Body of Christ. We are entering into a fresh CREATION season in the world."

As quickly as it began, the journey was over. From that experience, I felt saturated with creative concepts, ideas and brilliant thinking. I have been musing on it over and over: "Is this what it is like to have the mind of Christ?" I am convinced that we are truly Passing Over from one ERA in history into an entirely new ERA.

On the morning of the global Day of Prayer, Tuesday, April 3rd, 2020, the Holy Spirit called into my being a concern for President Donald Trump and how to handle the consequences of the global pandemic. I had a vivid dream where I was preparing a place of safety for my family and teaching others how to build an "Ark of His Presence" for the preservation of their families. In the dream, I appeared to be a modern-day Noah, teaching from a blueprint on how to build an ark that could withstand the tossing and turning of strong winds and waves.

As It Was in the Days of Noah

Let me expound upon this vivid dream. I was given a scroll with a blueprint of how to build an ark that would last through the storm. In the dream, I appeared as Noah leading my family in the construction of an "Ark of Preservation." As we completed our family ark, others joined us because they wanted to build arks of protection and provision for their families. As I gave my one blueprint away, it multiplied. At the close of the dream, I saw scores of arks being constructed that could withstand the wind and the waves of the coming storm.

When I woke up out of the dream, a phrase was written upon my heart, "As it was in the days of Noah." I now carry that imprint in an ongoing manner. You can be a Noah for your family and sphere of influence, creating a space of protection by being a carrier of His brilliant presence.

Consider these 5 words all beginning the letter "P":

• Protection • Preservation • Provision • Presence • Promise

We are called into an apostolic building season that provides "Protection" from the storms of life. Noah's ark permitted "Preservation" of his family linage into a global reset. Then it was used for "Provision." Noah and his family were on the ark for more than 40 days – it was possibly closer to a year! I wonder what they ate and how they were clothed?

Remember the dove of the Lord and the interaction between Noah and the days of new beginnings? Eventually the dove was sent forth and it did not return to the confinement of the ark. The dove of God is all about the "Presence" factor. We are to be carriers of His brilliant presence. The ark of His presence was used to carry the precious cargo into an entirely NEW ERA of "Promise."

Awakened by the Voice of the Lord

At the end of the Noah dream, I was awakened by the echoing voice of the Lord in my bedroom. Do you want to know what I heard? The word of the Lord came to me, "What are you going to do about it?" I can still hear and feel the rumble of that word resonating within my being: "What are you going to do about it?" Let me pause for a moment and give you some insight.

Years ago, we were dealing with spread of SARS and later on, the Bird Flu. Bob Jones, prophetic seer, who was living in Fort Mills, South Carolina at that time, turned to the Lord and said, "God, what are You going to do about it?" The Lord answered Bob, "I have already accomplished My part at the Cross of Calvary. The real question is, 'What are you going to do about it?'" I remember this firsthand. Bob Jones received the Lord's adjustment and acted immediately to take authority over the virus and call others to do the same.

Interestingly, the Lord just spoke to me the very same word that He had given his servant Bob Jones some 15 years or so ago. Now, in turn, I present that word to you: "What are you going to do about it?" I think the actual question is this: "What are we going to do about it?" I can say with great confidence and truth, I have never seen this amount of global prayer arise in all of my history walking with the Lord.

Pushing the Reset Button

At the beginning of the year, I was given 5 words that started with the letters "RE":

• Repent • Reset • Recalibrate • Recover • Restore

But like others, I do not always understand all of the meanings until later. We have entered into a strategic time of the Great Global Reset. I have been stating that "God is pushing the Reset Button." We are now in the middle of a 50-day Divine Global Reset from Passover into Pentecost. In order to pass through this crucial period, it will require some intense chiropractic adjustments, including recalibration.

Whatever is out of alignment will be challenged. There will be a lot of pulling and stretching as we eventually move into a recovery phase and ultimately, Lord willing, into one of the greatest times in recent history called the "Restoration of All Things" (see Acts 3:19-21).

That is where we are headed. The clearest word that I, and multiple other prophets, carried into the new Hebrew Year of 5780, and then into the civil year of 2020, was that we were moving into a new era.

I repeated the following declaration from place to place, from September of 2019 into January 2020. "This is not just a new day. It is not just the passage into a new year or even a new decade. No! We are crossing over into an entire new era in the Body of Christ with far reaching effects into all seven cultural mountains of the world." Folks, we are crossing over into an entirely new era!

Will You Turn Aside?

On a spring evening in April, I felt a tug in my heart to go into the backyard of my home in Franklin, TN and simply worship and wait upon the Lord. Whispers of clouds came floating by as I peered Heavenward. I paused in silence, as I was thrilled to see the beauty of the full moon. His voice came to me, "I will speak in unusual ways in this season. I have been waiting for such a long time for My people to slow down in order to listen. I have many things to say in these days concerning new ways, new beginnings, fresh alignments, and new wine skins for the new wine. I want to share My heart on seed time and harvest – sowing in tears and reaping with joy. Will you turn aside as Moses did? I AM there waiting."

Yes, keys for the new era are being released. Keys on how to build an "Ark of His Presence" are being released. Keys of creativity and entrepreneurship are being released. Insight for new building plans are being released. Keys of revelatory insight for your life, family and sphere of influence are being released. You simply have to rest in the ark of His covenantal presence, and you will receive.

But will you turn aside long enough in order to listen? I AM is waiting there for you. He really is. Truly, He is there waiting for YOU. Will you answer His call to turn aside?

Prophetic Perspective on the New Era The questions I am frequently receiving in this season have prompted me to provide prophetic perspective on the New ERA I believe we have entered.

These questions sound something like this: "What comes next? Where do we go from here? What does this 50-Day Divine Reset require of me? Can we just go back to what we knew?"

Change is upon us no matter what! We are in the midst of one greatest defining moments in recent global history.

WWII left a global impact with the realigning of nations and the birth of the nation of Israel. The terror attacks by a few radicals on 9/11 resulted in world reeling. Life never went back to its former ways. That's what happens in "defining moments." That's what entering a new era is all about – we enter into a historic changing room and come out on the other side looking and acting different.

But revelatory keys for the new era are being released. An invitation on how to build an Ark of His Presence has been issued. Divine creativity and a call to entrepreneurship are on the rise. Insight for your life, family and sphere of influence is yours in Christ Jesus. You simply have to rest around the ark of His covenantal presence, and you will receive the new. Ask and you will receive!

Confirming Dreams

In the last few weeks, the Holy Spirit has been bringing to my memory prophetic words I had received and released 40, 30 or 20 or 10 years ago. I have never experienced this kind of thing before, but I have had short dreams in which I watch myself deliver prophetic words. Here are a couple of examples.

In a dream, I saw myself in the studio of the Miracle Channel in Canada. I heard myself declare, "E-Church will come about in a season when it is of necessity and relevancy." At the time, people wondered what I was talking about. Yes, it did have an application for that period of time, but not in some dramatic global manner. Then I had this dream in March 2020 and the voice of the Lord woke me up declaring, "These are those days."

Yes, these are the days of the electronic Church. It is a season of necessity and relevancy and it is part of entering into a new era! In another reminder dream, I watched myself composing an article about "The Gentle, the Rude and the Great Awakening."

And it's true, I did more than just compose a blog on the subject, I talked publicly about this theme in multiple places and on multiple occasions.

I felt a reverberation of Heaven upon these words once again in my recent short dream: "We will encounter the Gentle, the Rude and the Great Awakening." I even wrote chapters in one of my books, "The Coming Israel Awakening," and even used these exact words in chapter titles. And guess, what? I woke up hearing those resounding words again, "These are those days."

So...what does this mean?

It appears to me that the Holy Spirit is dumping out on the table a giant jigsaw puzzle, and the pieces are finally coming together. This, too, is a part of the Prophetic Perspective on the new era.

I Walked in Heaven

On Sunday morning, May 3rd, I had a God encounter that was so personal and touched me so deeply, I am still processing it. In a dream, I saw the great cloud of witnesses looking and so intrigued by what was occurring in the earth. I then saw myself. I was walking through a hallway or corridor in Heaven. My guide was the faceless man, the Holy Spirit. He was leading me through a hallway of Believers from various periods of time.

I saw William and Catherine Booth, John Wesley, Zinzendorf, Kathryn Kuhlman and other great forerunners. I saw people I knew who have departed this realm and are now enthralled with the eternity of Heaven.

As I walked down the hallway, people stood to their feet. They were smiling and applauding and conveying gratitude. I was shocked when I saw the man who had performed the wedding ceremony for Michal Ann and me, who later became antagonistic and caught cross-current with the birthing of the modern-day prophetic movement in Kansas City.

Yes, he loved God. Yes, this dear man was there and though he had thrown hurtful stones in the past, he was so glad to see me. He stood to his feet as I passed by and conveyed gratitude that I had "Never Given Up!" The gleam in his eyes conveyed life, joy and pleasure that the moves of God were still coming forth and that there were those who were still willing to keep their hand to the plow and keep moving forward no matter what.

My guide would not let me stop; He continued to lead the way and escorted me into a grand auditorium. It held thousands upon thousands of the saints in Heaven. I was then standing at the back of this grand theater of Jewish and Church history and I saw some activity upon the stage.

I briefly saw a lady walking off the platform – exit right, as the throng of Believers stood to their feet and gave honor to whom honor was due. I never saw her face, but I knew who she was. It was none other than Michal Ann Willard Goll, my late wife, and she had just presented her narrative as a pioneer of women in ministry and leadership.

Those who had previously mocked and jeered no longer were aligned with the accuser of the brethren, but were thanking God for the Champions of the Faith who pioneered an area of truth that they just did not grasp on Earth.

Then I knew. Yes, my knower knew. I was overwhelmed with the future possible opportunity to address the throng of Heaven on a theme. Do you want to know what it was? "Moving Forward, no Matter the Cost." This theme illuminated my being, "Moving Forward."

We Carry On!

I am still here, and so are you. You have not quit and neither have I. We are called to bring forth lessons we have learned from crossing over from one move of God to the next. Our responses are changing from "Why me?" to "Why not!"

Then the dream ended, and I was filled with understanding of the days in which we live. I knew that the battles in this earthly life, the church wars and relational pain we encounter, don't really matter.

In Heaven, it is all revealed and everyone who loves Christ is transformed. Yes, I walked in Heaven that day. But now, like you, I walk in this world to be a light shining in darkness declaring, "The Glory of the Latter House will be Greater than the Former."

In Heaven, everything is going to be alright! Wow! What a place Heaven is.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you something really important. In going from one era into the next, God always uses the backdrop of darkness before a great light appears.

As I came out of this final, exhilarating dream, I heard, "Welcome to the Era of Favor. Welcome to the Era of Favor that those who have sowed in tears will reap with joy. Welcome to the beginning of the Great Harvest!"

That's what I believe. How about you? God Encounters Ministries Email: Website:

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